Download ios 11.0.1

Ios latest version came to public with iPhone x and iPhone 8. Compatible device users can new version of iOS 11 download. All versions of new iOS have errors they after releasing. Apple updates their versions simultaneously Fixing for that bugs. Now major update has iOS 10.0.1 to fix identified problems.


iOS 11 identified major errors
  • Outlook issue / Exchange bug
  • Battery issue

Fix iOS 11 Outlook / Exchange bug error

Many iOS 11 users report they couldn’t send mail using Mail app on if they try to send email Exchange 2016 or Office 356 account. Server massage for them “Cannot Send Mail, the massage was rejected by the server”. Apple announced their developers working to fix this with Microsoft.

Apple and Microsoft developers solve this matter in technically. If have this problem on sending mail using with, office 356 or exchange account. Update to iOS 11 to iOS 11.0.1 as to apple recommendation.

iOS 11 battery issue

We have to idea iOS 10.3.3 has grate battery life according to users experience. But some iOS 11 updated users have to face their battery life going to drain fast. In this case fix to this problem update iOS 11 to OTA iOS 11.0.1.

iOS 11 jailbreak Status

iOS 11.0.1 is the latest update of apple. Jailbreak community not yet say at least one word how to jailbreak iOS 11.0.1. But some fake site is frequently saying how to Cyadia Download iOS 11.0.1.  If you using jail broken device you shouldn’t download update ios 11.0.1 until came to proper Cydia download tool for iOS 11.0.1.
